Thursday, January 14, 2010

A is for Acting

For school, we are doing this alpha-biography assignment, and every new blog starts with a letter of the the alphabet so, A is for acting. My dream is to become a famous actress. Whenever I watch movies, I always imagine myself playing that character and being really good. I actually used to model and I was in two commercials.

When I was little, I used to model for big companies like the Bay, Sears or Zeller's. I was never sure about what was going on. My mom always said to do my best and to stop being shy but I didn't know what she was talking about. I wish I listened to her now because I could have been in a couple big movies with people like Renee Zellweger and Russel Crow. I mom took me out of modeling and acting because we didn't want to drive to Toronto every other day. But now my mommy said if I try harder I can start again and I might be in movies and I'm really excited about that!!!

About two years ago, I was in a commercial for OFF bug spray. I was really excited to be in it because it would be my first commercial! I got there and they had to do my hair and makeup and there was this big food trailer, and my friends and I that I had made were pigging out there and we had to redo our makeup because we had food all over our faces! It was HILARIOUS!!! Then, everyone saw me in the commercial, but I didn't! I was really mad because I was looking forward to seeing it, and then it stopped playing and all my friends were like "Emilie, we saw you in the commercial" and I was like " I didn't and I was in it!" It was NOT fair! Then, that year I was in another commercial that was in the States for this germ thing that I didn't get the point of but apparently they didn't even air it so I wasted my time filming this commercial that was just walking up and down a school hallway pretending to talk. We had to say "rhubarb and cabbages" to make it looked like we were talking about other stuff because we ran out of things to talk about. At least the company payed me a little bit.

Life lesson: ALWAYS do your best because you never know what opportunity lies ahead.

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